My children often marvel at my handling hot kitchen ware with bare hands. It has come with years of regularly cooking hot meals. I often get away with not being burnt as the contact is for very brief periods.
Adverse situations may be survivable if only for short periods but not sustainable in the long run. Toxic relationships are similar.
Victims of abuse are thought to remain in toxic relationships for many reasons: guilt, shame of failed relationship, fear of financial loss or loss of false security, fear of adverse consequences including death and even fear of the unfamiliar!
The story is told of a toad in a pond with the temperature gradually increased. It kept adjusting and seemingly coping till the temperature was not sustainable to its viability. Adapting to subtle worsening atmosphere and continuing to adapt to an unfavourable environment, resulted in the toads ultimate death!
The warning signs are often there, the painful things so hard to bear and hazard lights clear to the sight. Reasons abound to resist change, be it culture or fear of change. Staying in pain for way too long may end in worse than what was feared!
Resustance to, or fear of making a change may end in irreversible disaster!
Make the change for healthier living! If need be get help.
Health tip: Challenges should not be avoided, they help develop stronger muscles- mentally, emotionally and spiritually, like weights in a gym. Challenges should however be tolerated within healthy limits.