It is not unusual to think that our current life situations would likely be significantly different, had we made different choices in the past.
Hindsight is said to be “a wonderful thing”. We may not be able to do anything about the expired past but, we can make better choices for the future. Tormenting the mind with regret does not change the outcome of past decisions. How then should one exercise the superpower of choice for good?
A good start is defining what choice needs to be made, clarity about the matter. Then a step at a time. Accepting there will always be things outside our control, including the past, frees us to embrace peace. The past is expired, cannot be retrieved.
Daily we are confronted with the challenge of making decisions. Some sources reckon an average person makes 35,000 decisions a day!
Success is also described as the cumulation of daily habits. A good habit is focusing on situations that rouse healthy emotions in spite of things we cannot change.
Choices are also made by default, in wilfully refusing to choose. Every choice, deliberate or default, has a consequence which may be beneficial or detrimental. We make our choices and our choices make us.
What outcome / future do I desire? What choices feed best into it? What choices pose a threat of sabotaging my desired goal(s)?
The key to healthy choices is determining the desired goal. The destination determines the route. The destination determines what changes may be required, should there be obstacles in the way. The destination therefore ultimately determines the steps, each step – choice and choices.
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