
If you painfully push to poo, there’s very likely something wrong. An unhealthy diet, anxiety from a similar painful experience, poor hydration are some causes to be considered.

The same way, getting read of toxins in any form should not be unduly stressful. Eliminating dietary waste may be distressing if one has been eating unhealthy things. Getting rid of toxic feelings, associations or behaviours may also be very challenging if one has been imbibing wrong beliefs from an unhealthy emotional diet or processing thoughts in a detrimental manner, like a malfunctioning digestive tract causing constipation.

Getting rid of toxic emotions, toxic relationships and toxic habits help to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing. No one is designed to be a home for toxins.
You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness ~Zig Ziglar

Toxic thoughts may be likened to birds flying around you, you can’t stop them from coming but you can decide how best to deter them.

You cannot keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them for building a nest in your hair ~Martin Luther King

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