Dig Deep

It may be easier to sit on the brinks, but that may be unfulfilling and not rewarding. Peripheral  engagement can be seemly safe but unproductive. Consequently in the long term a waste of time and other valued resources. 

Treasure miners if truly seeking treasure and not just get-by wages from an employer, will give their heart and strength to all that’s required for treasure to be unearthed. 

Life is full of treasure in different forms to bring delight. Every values different things and the dreams that excite individuals differ widely. There’s a price to pay for dream to be realised, the cost varies for different valuables. One person’s dream may the seemingly unattainable goal of living in a big city, while another longs to visit the moon. Each must be ready to pay the required price, investing time and effort. 

Dreams are realised by persevering effort:                                                          Dream + persevering (effort) = reality

In reality, lack of effort leaves desires in a dream state: Reality – persevering (effort) = dream

Go for your treasure, what is best for you, not what is designed for another, and with perseverance dreams become reality.  Be it spiritual, physical or mental development effort is required to ensure appropriate measures are in place for the required growth. 

Don’t dig superficially, dig deep!! 

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