Focus On Gratitude

The battery is drained, the car won’t start. The engine had not been running, so there seemed no reason for problem. It emerged a light was on, slowly draining reserved energy in the battery cells.

Frustration threatened the peace that had been still. Agitation came in, till it was made to leave with a call to change focus.

When life gets blurry or stormy, acknowledge the problem – don’t avoid it, but choose your focus. Turn the mind fog to FOG – Focus On Gratitude.

#FOG #Focus on Gratitude

Focus determines the quality of your emotions. Emotions fuel behaviour. It is said that energy flows where focus goes.

Focusing on purposeless activities, is leaving the lights on for no good, whilst the battery energy drains. It’s like purposeless discussions and arguments. A switch may need to be turned off and sometimes another switch on.

Productive and positively rewarding activities, bring fulfilment, our mental and emotional batteries receiving more energy. A regular check on where focus goes will help in keeping our mind healthily charged.

Are you feeling drained or mentally exhausted? What is your mind focusing on? What are the things going well in the midst of various life challenges?

#Gratitudejournal #Chooseyourfocus #Focusongratitude #Attitudeofgratitude #Altitudeofgratitude #Manageyouremotions

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