World leaders keep putting heads together, in a quest of peace, yet peace does not seem found. Rather wars and riots keep rising up and evil deeds heard more. Nations unite for a think tanks in hope global peace. The answer’s not found in so many forums to asssure the world if peace, whilst evil becomes more evident in places least expected. The world struggles to offer peace with fears of much unrest. There seems no peace but rather more means to numb from pain of ills. Drugs, drinks and pleasure fills, help distract from inside pain, where chaos and distressing feelings take the place of peace.
Yet there may be peace in the worst storms as many have found to be: in darkest moments on life’s path a calming peace within.
Not found in drunkenness or revellery, not found is chase of gain. It may be seen in states of lack where love and truth abide. It’s not denial of lack or pain or troubles that prevail. It just cannot be explained it’s peace though troubles may prevail.
So look no more to any other, besides the Creator of all. It’s guaranteed if one dares to trust, the one who’s promised it. Too oft it’s not asked for, thought too good it couldn’t be true? The only way to find it out is to taste and see if true. There’s nothing to lose for no one else gives guarantee of peace!